[Re]launching a startup is hard and lonely.
Do it in the company of other startup founders!

Meetup (Chicago)

Meet with other startup founders, to talk problems, solutions, wins, losses, goals, and whatever else keeps you up at night.

We meet monthly!

Slack community

Can't make the meet-ups? Need to bounce ideas or problems off a community between meetups? Join us on Slack!

Contact mo[at]rmfs.com for an invite!

Resources & Event Calendar

We've curated a ton of helpful resources, from idea evaluation to product development.

Also, check out our local/global event calendar(s) - keep tabs on helpful public/private start-up community events, including our own!

A side note from the organizer (Mo): all of these resources, events, etc. are free. I'm just a founder, like you, so if you have suggestions/questions/irritations, just reach out.